Homily For The Twenty Seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year A

Meeting God’s Expectations

Readings: 1st: Is 5:1-7; Ps: 79; 2nd: Phil 4, 6-9; Gos: Mt 21, 33-43

This brief reflection was written by Fr. Njoku Canice Chukwuemeka, C.S.Sp. He is a Catholic Priest and a member of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit (Spiritans). He is a missionary in Puerto Rico. He is the Parish Priest of Parroquia la Resurrección del Senor, Canóvanas, and the Major Superior of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit (Spiritans), Circumscription of Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic. He was the chancellor of the Diocese of Fajardo Humacao, Puerto Rico. Fr. Canice is a member of the Academy of Homiletics. For more details and comments contact him at: canice_c_njoku@yahoo.com, canicechukwuemeka@gmail.com


Today is the seventh Sunday of ordinary time; the church reminds us of God’s Great expectations for each of us. This includes both His vineyard and caretakers of His vineyard. To meet this expectation, we must remain focused and close to God through prayers. It guarantees our peace and helps us to fulfill God’s expectations.

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Our first reading is an allegory called “The Song of the Vineyard.” In this reading, God recounts his love and care for us. He chose us as the apple of his eyes (Zach 2, 8). God created us well and made us comfortable. So, he rightly expects us to be fair and to bear good fruits. Unfortunately, being humans, we have consistently failed him. “He expected justice, but He found bloodshed. He expected integrity, but He only heard a cry of distress.”

Often, our actions fall short of God’s expectations. This is because we have been stubborn instead of repenting. We have displayed unbelief instead of faith, indifference instead of love, and unworthiness instead of holiness. Our world today is marked by violence, victimization, greed, corruption, etcetera. God expects us to make a difference as Christians. He expects us to bear good fruits.

Today, Paul exalts us not to be worried. Instead, we should remain close to God through prayers. He will allow his peace to abide with us if we pray with him. In order words, through prayers, we must always seek the peace of God. Prayer reassures us of God’s divine presence with us. It calms our fears and brings us peace through communion or fellowship with God, our creator.

Furthermore, he draws our attention to the basic stuff we must see. God also expects from us: “Everything that is true, everything that is noble, everything that we love and honor.” Whatever is honorable is respectable. Whatever is right conforms to God’s righteousness. Whatever is pure is free from defilement. Whatever is lovely is pleasing. Whatever is reasonable is laudable and commendable. So, we should think only about such things.

Unfortunately, today we no longer ask: “is it true or noble?” Instead, what we ask is: Does it work? Does everyone like it?  Will it make me feel good? As Paul reminds us today, we must seek excellence through the gospel and the church’s teachings. This is the only path that leads to peace of mind, and of course, to greatness.

In today’s gospel, Jesus also employed the allegory of the vineyard to address the chief priests and the elders. Christ portrays them as wicked tenants who decided to overthrow the landlord. Hence, they kicked them out because they were evil and did not meet the landlord’s expectations. In short, they rejected the Gospel.

Therefore, this reading reminds us of God’s generosity and trust. It equally reminds us of His patience and justice. Most importantly, it reminds us of God’s expectations of us. “To whom much is given, much is expected.” So, we must be ready to render an excellent account to God, our creator. We must not disappoint him.

Finally, God called and chose us out of His love for us. So, we must not reject or betray him as the first servants did. Instead, we must be faithful to Him by bearing good fruits and rendering an excellent account to Him.

Peace be with you all!



One thought on “Homily For The Twenty Seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year A

  1. Thank you Father for your homilies. God bless you abundantly. I am RRichmond from Ghana. I should have done this long ago and i hope it is not late and you wont be mad at me but I sometimes use your homilies for the reflections of my churche’s weekly church bulletin.

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