Homily For 10th  Sunday Of Ordinary Time, Year B

We Are Members Of The Victorious Family of Christ

Readings: 1st: Gen 3: 9-15; Ps 129; 2nd: 2 Cor 4, 13. 5:1; Gos: Mk 3: 20-35

This brief reflection was written by Fr. Njoku Canice Chukwuemeka, C.S.Sp. He is a Catholic Priest and a member of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit (Spiritans). He is a missionary in Puerto Rico. He is the Parish Priest of Parroquia la Resurrección del Senor, Canóvanas, and the Major Superior of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit (Spiritans), Circumscription of Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic. Fr. Canice is a member of the Academy of Homiletics. For more details and comments contact him at canice_c_njoku@yahoo.com, canicechukwuemeka@gmail.com.


On this tenth Sunday of ordinary time, the Church reminds us that as humans, we all have an existential struggle against evil. However, the good news is that, we are illuminated through the assurance of victory. It is Christ, the seed of the Woman (Mary) who helps us to obtain this victory in our daily and earthly struggle against evil.

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The first reading is from the story of the fall of Adam and Eve. It is an integral part of our salvific history which reminds us of something that we inherited from them. That is, the adamic nature due to Original Sin. Also, it reminds us of the consequences disobedience.

Rather than accept their fault, they tried to justify themselves by blaming each other. Adam blamed: “the woman you (God) gave me.” Of course, he did not blame the woman alone, he also indirectly blamed God who generously and kindly gave him a partner. On the other hand, Eve blamed: “the serpent that tempted me.” Blame rained upon blame!

As some of us do, it was hard to accept their fault. None of them said, I am sorry, I was wrong, it was my fault or even, please forgive me. Instead, they found excuses to exonerate themselves and, someone else must take the blame. Excuses does not absolve faults. Rather, what helps is humbly accepting one’s fault and asking for forgiveness.

In the second reading, Paul simply brings to light the significant characteristics of a life lived in faith. With the words of the psalmist he testifies: “We also believe and therefore we speak (Ps 116:10), knowing that he who raised the Lord Jesus to life will raise us.” Yes, this is a great profession of faith.”

Through this, Paul reminds us that preaching (speaking) the gospel is possible only because of faith. He also reminds us that in spite of our difficulties and existential struggles against evil in our world, grace strengthens our faith. Grace and faith keep us steadfast and focused on the glory of the eternal life ahead.


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Today’s gospel narrates Jesus’ encounter with his people and family. They though he was out of his mind. They accused him of being possessed when he was actually liberating the possessed. They were ready to restrain him with false charges. They wished to tame his miraculous works and powerful preaching. In spite of all these, He remained focused.

Every true disciple of Christ is, His brother, sister, mother and a member of his victorious family. He came to save all who are ready to do the will of God. Of course, Mary his Mother is a great model of this for all of us. Hence, Christ did not disrespect his own faithful mother. Rather, he teaches an important lesson today. That, through faith and obedience to God’s will, we all have the opportunity to become members of his victorious and happy family.

Also, Christ reminds us that it is not status, but action in response to God’s call that determines who belongs to his victorious family. To become part of the victorious family of Christ is a dynamic process. It flows from a personal encounter with Christ. It also flows from faithfulness and obedience to God’s will. Hence, if we are disciples of Christ, we must prove it through our faith and obedience to God’s will.

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Finally, Adam and Eve enjoyed the status and comfort of God’s divine presence but, they lost it through disobedience. Through them, we equally lost our membership of the victorious family. However, the good news is that through faith in Christ (the seed of Mary), and obedience to God’s will, our membership of the victorious family has been restored.

Peace be with you!


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